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Tall Fescue
$.60 per sqft - Available
Performance Tall Fescue is a true turf-type tall fescue. It has a moderate growth habit and a dark green pleasing look. Tall Fescue is preferred by landscapers throughout San Diego County. Performance Tall Fescue is bred for low maintenance performance and remains a good choice for homeowners. Performance Tall Fescue requires at least six hours of direct sun per day and should be mowed to a height of 2.5 inches. Performance Tall Fescue is comparable to Marathon™ and Medallion™.
$.65 per sqft - Available - Friday Delivery
TifTuf has a very fine leaf texture and a vibrant green color. TifTuf exhibits amazing wear tolerance. Irrigation and fertilizer applications helped TifTuf quickly recover from any damage. TifTuf appears to have excellent cold tolerance in comparison to other Bermuda grass varieties. TifTuf stays green longer into the fall, often greens up faster in the spring and seems to have a longer growing season than other Bermuda grass varieties. TifTuf also appears to have significant shade tolerance, surviving with only 25 percent sunlight transmission during testing. Initial tests also indicate that TifTuf experiences less drought stress than other Bermuda grass varieties when planted over tree roots.
St. Augustine
call for pricing - Available
St. Augustine has a coarse, broad blade. It is aggressive, low growing and the most shade tolerant. Mow to 3⁄4” inch. This variety also adapts well to salty soils. As with all Sports Turf varieties St. Augustine offers excellent drought tolerance.
call for pricing - Available
Aloha Seashore Paspalum is a professional grade, warm season sports turf developed for use on playing fields, golf courses and personal lawns. Aloha is fine textured with deep green color. Aloha uses up to 50% less water irrigation than fescue’s. Extremely salt tolerant, it stands up to salt spray, saltwater inundation and waterfront areas. Aloha® provides excellent drought tolerance and may even be irrigated with reclaimed water and seawater.
Tifgreen Bermuda
$.60 per sqft - Currently Unavailable - Seasonal
Tifgreen is a medium green, fine-textured, tough and durable hybrid bermuda turfgrass. It is a low-growing, resilient sod which is highly tolerant to heat, smog and heavy traffic. It is ideal for homes with young children and pets, since it can take normal abuse and quickly recover from damage. This is the most attractive of the bermudas.
$.60 per sqft - Currently Unavailable - Seasonal
Tifway is an improved hybrid bermuda with excellent wear tolerance. It is an excellent choice for high traffic areas. With a fine texture, Tifway provides a dense turf capable of handling the stress of professional sports turf and the demands of golf course fairways and tees.
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